The Phoenix Story

Together we rise, with Phoenix. The story of Phoenix began nearly 40 years ago when an idea was born out of the ashes of women who needed to tell their story. In 1984, Phoenix was known under the trading name Incest Survivors’ Association Inc. (ISA), before rebranding in 2016. The messaging was different, but today, the priorities are the same. The evolution of Phoenix represents the empowering journey survivors take to rise and reclaim their identity, find unknown strength, and become victorious in embracing a freer version of themselves. Through this transition, they begin to heal and recover from past exploitations and injustices, and work towards changing the future direction of their lives.

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A sun shines through with a bench by a lake surrounded by trees

Hear from Phoenix clients:

“Through Phoenix, I learned really important knowledge, and that equipped me to face the world and finally say, ‘this is you and you will be okay.’”

The youngest clients accessing Phoenix have been five years of age (when we received funding to also support children) and the oldest client attending was 91 years of age. This is indicative of no one being too young or too old to receive support. However, this is also indicative of tragically how early in life therapeutic treatment begins along with how long and lasting can be the devasting and traumatic impacts of child sexual abuse. Even towards the end of life, traumatic memories can still haunt and the road to recovery can sometimes be a life-long journey, but it is never too early or too late to heal and seek peace.

“I just feel stronger and a better person. I am not too uncertain anymore and have more confidence in myself.”

Phoenix remains one of very few organisations within metropolitan Western Australia that provides a highly specialised trauma-informed service specifically for survivors of historical child sexual abuse. The counselling support is person-centred and responds to the individual and unique needs of each client. The process is respectful and empowering. The therapeutic interventions are leading edge and innovative, and offer holistic therapies through our ‘Trauma Transformation’ program from professionally qualified, and highly experienced trauma specialists. Phoenix was nominated as one of four finalists in the Community Services Excellence Awards. Read about this prestigious acknowledgement here.

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