
2018 – Trauma Transformation Trial – One Year On

The Trauma Transformation Trial program funded in this past financial year by the WA Primary Health Alliance was a hum­bling experience for all of us involved. This psycho-educational program was developed around trauma-informed prac­tice and the Shanker method self-regula­tion framework. There were 5 programs run throughout the trial period and we appreciated the courage shown […]

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2018 – Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga as an aspect of the Phoenix healing and recovery model The Trauma Centre Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is recognised as an evidence-based adjunctive treatment for complex, developmental trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD. TCTSY is the only stand-alone Yoga Program endorsed nationwide in the USA by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) […]

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2018 – EMDR Therapy at Phoenix – One Year On

As one of only two recommended treat­ments for post-traumatic stress, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is gaining momentum as an advanced treatment plan for all those impacted by adverse life experiences and trauma. As such the available protocols and guide­lines for use continue to expand and allow for EMDR to be used with specific […]

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