
2021 – E-Services

Senior Counsellor, Claudia Da Silva working from home delivering E-Service I would like to share my experiences in the pandemic times from a therapist perspective: I had so many questions and curiosities about how to work with traumatised clients in the online setting. How would the e-sessions affect my clientele? How would the organization manage […]

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2021 – Understanding and Healing All Parts of Ourselves

Judith Herman, one of the pioneers of trauma treat­ment, has been quoted saying, “It’s bad enough that our clients lost their childhood; it’s unacceptable that they lose their adulthood too.” Being overwhelmed by anxiety, anger or upset can be a regular occurrence for clients at Phoenix. Intellectually a person who is a survivor of child […]

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2021 – A Collaboration for Prevention

Phoenix is delighted to have entered into a collabora­tion with Kayelene Kerr to work in the prevention space and raise community awareness about the emerging epidemic of children accessing pornography at earlier ages, and to some degree using this as a form of sex education. Unfortunately, the violence, aggression, and objectification portrayed in much of […]

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